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本次活动,主办方特邀英国华裔美食家、伦敦顶级五星酒店职业经理人、"梦上海"私房菜开创者李建勋 Jason Li。

Jason 老师从"衣、食、住、行"四个方面介绍了英式礼仪,着重讲解了品鉴英式下午茶的相关知识。风趣的英式幽默,优雅得体的讲解示范蚕妇吟 ,Jason 老师不忘提醒大家如何正确选择和使用每件餐具,每一款点心及饮品正确的进餐方法买土豆的故事。
活动结束之后,侨海俱乐部的社长Rocco Yau以及副社长Elaine Shao贴心地为大家整理了『British fine dining culture tips·礼仪小贴士』,希望大家在今后不断地演练中遇见更优雅、更自信的自己。

British fine dining culture tips
1.Dressing Code 着装
Evening wear 晚装
White tie, also referred to as full evening dress or a dress suit. It represents the most formal, professional evening dress code in dining events e.g. national ceremonies& royal family dinners.
White tie最为正式,一般在正式晚宴场合穿着,例如皇家典礼或晚宴本·华莱士 。
Men's' white tie dress code includes the following clothing items:
男士的white tie着装如下:

Black tie, the most common dress code for social functions after 6p.m. This dress code is representative of most formal events and commonly includes the following clothing items:
Black tie最为常见的正式晚间活动(18点后)着装。一般有如下衣着:黑色无尾礼服、黑色裤子(略有锥形)、白色晚宴衬衫、手帕、黑色领结、袖钉。

For ladies, a White tiedress code suggest a formal floor-length evening gown, with long sleeve gloves (option), small purse, classic high-heels and jewelleryaccessories. A Black tie dress code suggest the option of shorter, dressy cocktail dresses, with longer or more comfortable options suited for older women, jewelleriesand purses are also common. In general, evening wear for ladies are summarisedbelow:
对于女士的white tie 来说,建议一条正式的拖地晚礼服,长手套(备选项)、小型手包、经典高跟鞋、珠宝饰品通天之旅 。Black tie的话,建议短的正式酒会礼服,如果是年纪稍长的女士钱串子花图片 ,可以选择长一些的舒适的服装神圣天女兽 。通常,女士晚装如下图显示:

2. British fine dining culture英伦餐桌文化
·Stir with spoon from the outer ring to cool down its temperature (never blow into the soup to cool it down).将汤勺在外圈轻轻搅拌,来使汤的温度冷却一下。
·Do not lick spoon or keep spoon in mouth.不能舔汤勺或将汤勺含在嘴里。
·Sip from side of spoon.喝汤时,抿汤勺的一边。
·Do not slurp.不能喝出声音。
·Leave spoon in bowl to signal for temporarybreaks.将汤勺放在碗中表示暂时休息一下人头肉骨茶面。
·Rest spoon to the side of the bowl to signal you have finished eating.你如果喝完了,请将汤勺放在碗的旁边。

Eating Bread:吃面包
·Break bread with hands into pieces and don't bite it as a whole.用手将面包撕开小片放入口中,勿大口咬面包。
·Do not stick butter in between two pieces of bread likewise to sandwiches.勿将黄油像三明治一样涂抹在两片面包中间定边吧。
·Do not dip bread into soup.勿将面包沾汤吃。
·Do not throw bread into the soup.勿将面包放在汤里吃。

Cutlery positioning:餐具摆放

English Afternoon tea:英式下午茶
·Start from bottom plate, work yourself upwards from the flavours or 1) salty > 2) mildly sweet >3). very sweet从最下面一盘往上品尝,从1) 咸 > 2) 偏甜 > 3) 非常甜。
·Put milk in first before tea (Avoid tea stains on cup).将牛奶先导入杯中,再导入茶,以防茶叶沾在杯子上泡蛇酒 。
·Only the host can touch the tea pot.茶壶除了女主人,其他谁都不要动。
·Stir tea delicately, avoid cracking the fine china.优雅搅拌茶驴头狼 ,以防瓷器破碎电影魔方 。
·Eat sandwiches with hands.用手拿着吃三明治。

Etiquette tips礼仪建议
·Remove lipstick before fine dining.用餐前请擦拭口红最近发展区理论 。
·Dab table salt on red wine stain to absorb wine from white cotton.衣服如沾到红酒蒸刑 ,可以及时用盐在红酒处轻轻摩擦。
·Choice of room temperature water and soda water.一般情况餐厅只提供常温水和气泡水(没有热水哦)。
·Always check the doneness of meat as soon as it arrives, cut into the middle of the meat and signal the waiter immediately if it's not cooked to your level of satisfaction.上牛排时需第一时间在中间位置切开牛排,确认是否是您需要的熟度,并及时告知服务员。
·Do not cut steak into multiplelittle cubes推理的迷宫 , only cut a piece at a time.牛排需要吃一口切一块,切勿提前切好多好多块。
·Always add please or thank you at the end of each sentence when communicatingwith the waiter. PLEASE &THANK YOU请时常挂在嘴边,才是最文明的表现哦。山本一木

尚班 乐活 · 在静安
上一篇:浦北天天网【魅力校园开放周】这个周末,北中很忙!-昆山家校合作 下一篇:新网球王子5【麦岛利群】12月0102日·周末特惠-麦岛生活超市

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