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In the middle of a beautiful day, I was feeling lost, as if the world was crashing in on me. I didn't know which way to go, except to head out to the countryside. On days like this I love to find a place where silence rule where the wind in the tall pine trees sounds like ocean wavescrashingalong some deserted beach I've walked along in my memory.
在一个美好的日子里,我觉得很迷茫,似乎整个世界在向我压来异客之旅 。除了去乡间,我不知道自己该去哪里小希与阿树 。在这种时候,我总是喜欢找一个宁静的地方,在那里,风从高高耸立的松树间穿过,听起来就像是海浪拍打着我记忆中曾漫步过的某个荒芜的沙滩。
At first I headed to the city park. Not very countryside-like, but close enough to begin my journeyinward. I went to the spot where I used to take my kids-when I still had kids. That might give you an idea of what my wretched day was all about: My kids grew up and I didn't.
我首先去了城市公园。那里虽然并没有太多的乡间气息激情车神 ,可那里很近,我可以很快就开始我的心灵之旅。我来到以前我常常带孩子玩耍的地方——那时我还有孩子。现在你可能已经知道我为什么情绪低落了——我的孩子都长大了,而我却没变。
After getting my fill of moms and dads running, laughing, and swinging their time away together with their kids, I headed out to a nearby state park. Here ducks andcranerabbits and deer, all clamor for your attention, and replace the pain of the day with awe and wonder. Here, with the prolonging of winter and the yearning for spring, life, as we humans know it, stands still. Here birds fly whenever they want, wherever they want. The snow,remnantof colder days, still clings on to the ground. The ground is soft and soggy, giving hope to the grass that eagerly waits beneath, that very soon it will rise awake from its slumber, and will carpet once again the hills and pathways of the park, for residents and visitors alike.
在城市公园,阎晶晶 父母与他们的小孩奔跑、欢笑、一起度过他们的快乐时光的画面充斥我的脑海。接着,我来到附近的一个州立公园。在这里,鸭子、鹤、兔子,还有鹿吵吵闹闹,吸引了你的注意,让你在敬畏和惊奇中忘记了一天的苦恼。在这里,寒冬迟迟未走,春天久候不至,我们知道,这个时候生命是沉寂的。在这里,鸟儿们随心所欲地自由飞翔。寒冬留下的残雪依旧紧紧地贴着地面。地面柔软而潮湿,给正在地下焦急等待的小草带来了希望——很快它们就要从沉睡中醒来,然后再次铺满山丘,铺满公园里居民和游客行走的小路。
I sat alone in my car, listening to songs that brought back memories…Memories of the days when I was "Daddy"日本福冈天气 , and of challenging dares to "Walk across the creek on this log like me死神之白羽, Dad!"
It was nearly spring, and the child in us all heads for theatticto dust off the old kite, which would take us higher every year. On one end of itsstringgloriouscolors float like rainbows; on the other end-grown-up kids swear that they "just want to get it flying!" "You can take over in a minute, sweetheart."
春天快到了,我们内心深处的童真促使我们冲进阁楼,抖落旧风筝上的灰尘。那些风筝会让我们每年都飞得更高。在风筝线的这头贝朗医疗 ,五颜六色的线如同天边的彩虹;线的另一头是已经长大的小孩,他们信誓旦旦地说着:“只是想让它飞起来!” “宝贝,你马上就可以接过去自己放风筝了陈柏言 。”
There I sat-with all my troubles and woes, much too sensitive to life to begin with-discovering how life goes on for everyone else, even as mine seemed to stop for a while.
Just then I saw a man, whose problems appeared bigger than mine. He looked to be in his seventies and, although careful with his steps, quitespryfor his age. He stood near the edge of the road, holding a kite spindle in his hands.
Seemingly lost in thought, he stared skyward. I stretched my neck to see how successful he had been in reaching the clouds. Following his string with my eye, I almost lost sight of the other end. Could he possibly have sailed his wind-driven dream chariot to the very edge where the blue skies met the blackness of the earth?
他仰起头往天上看,似乎陷入了沉思。我伸长了脖子,想看看他能否成功地让风筝飞入云端。我的目光紧跟着他手中的风筝线往上看师旷劝学,几乎看不到另一头菲承 。难道他真的成功地让那辆承载着梦想的战车乘风去到了蓝天与黑土相交的边际?
No, not quite. His string ended just beyond a tall tree, floating across two others, nestling the kite atop of what seemed to be the highest branch of the tallest tree in the park. I drew nearer and, without speaking a word, stood beside the man, gazing in astonishment at this accomplishment.
不对反芭比 ,没有。他手中的线牵引着风筝飞过了一棵高耸的树超级仇恨戒指,又飞过另外两棵树,然后在一棵看起来是公园里最高的树的最高枝丫上停了下来。我走了过去,康洁橱柜 一言不发,站在那个男人旁边,惊奇地看着他的“成就”。
There for all the world to see, was his grandson’s kite! The kite was areplicaof a beautiful Bald Eagle, its wings spread wide open. As the wind rushed through the treetop making the plastic wingsflutterandflap, it looked so real…
Alas, Grandpa had only one solution for his problem, and it was to cut the string. His grandson seemed to believe that Grandpa could solve any problem; perhaps even climb up and get it.
"You wanted it to fly as high as it could, Billy. Didn't you?" "Yes, Grandpa, but I wanted to keep it forever." "There just comes a time when the only thing you can do is to cut the string and let it go. Perhaps by doing that, when it soars like real eagles do, it will come back to us." Grandpa said.
“你是想让它飞得越高越好的,比利,对不对?” “是的,爷爷。不过,我还想永远留着它。” “有时候千面王妃,你唯一能做的就是把线剪断邓枢,让它自己飞。也许这样做了以后,有一天,当它像真正的鹰那样自由翱翔时,它还会回到我们身边虫之歌 。”爷爷说道。
I watched how the old man cut the string二位由木人, releasing the kite, as Billy’s dream-on-wings snapped back, settling gently into its new position high atop thebarrentree.
As the two walked away, I looked to the sky. There I saw my answer, too. Tears began to run down my cheek, and with a big sigh I prayed...
"Today I have to cut the final strings that kept my two boys within my reach. I have taught them to fly like eagle though I wanted to keep them forever. Maybe by doing this, when it’s their time to soar like real eagles do, one day they would come back to me."
Life's best lessons are learned by living.
Keith, Evan, you are Eagles now! Fly!
上一篇:法门寺地宫【食友8九】暖心又暖胃的“羊蝎子”到底是什么?-火龙文化传媒 下一篇:查莉成长日记第四季【首都之声】怀柔科学城怎么建,蔡奇强调建的不是科技园!-北京日报公道

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