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【视频】格式(三) MLA-拾穗英文


“Over the past 25 years, Las Patronas has fed tens of thousands of Central American migrants. This video from 2016 looks at how volunteers prepare and distributeabout 300 food parcels each day for migrants travelling on freight trains. For many fleeing violence and poverty at home, it’s a life-saving act of kindness.”--The Guardian
从本期开始我们讲解 MLA 的引用格式g7006,分成五期讲分别是:
Supporting a thesis
Citing sources; avoiding plagiarism
Integrating sources
Documenting sources
Manuscript format; sample paper
引用、总结、同意转述、以及事实,这些东西可以支持你的观点,但是他们不能成为你的观点!今天我们讲如何有效使用材料,使得自己观点有说服力的同时短歌行朗诵 ,仍然能够“保持自我”
首先,直接引用不能太多本笃十六世 !直接引用诱惑力比较大削个椰子皮 ,因为能够凑字数,但是在学术写作的时候,一定要强调自己的观点,用自己的话语去总结、同意转述你的材料,并且用自己的话去解释你想要表达的点。当然了,扬州信用卡 在以下几种情况下直接引用会非常有效:
Kizza and Ssanyu observe that technology in the workplace has been accompanied by “an array of problems that needed quick answers” such as electronic monitoring to prevent security breaches (4).
Lane acknowledges the legitimate reasons that many companies have for monitoring their employees’ online activities, particularly management’s concern about preventing “the theft of information that can be downloaded to a . . . disk, e-mailed to oneself . . . , or even posted to a Web page for the entire world to see” (12).
Charles Lewis, director of the Center for Public Integrity, points out that “by 1987, employers were administering nearly 2,000,000 polygraph tests a year to job applicants and employees. . . . Millions of workers were required to produce urine samples under observation for drug testing . . .” (22).
一般不要在引文的最前面或者最后面加省略号,引文读者明白你是在引用,前后省略了很多,但是有例外,像上面的那个例子,如果引言的最后一句,你省略了该句的一部分,这个时候可以用省略号b型血招蚊子 。无论怎么省略,不能够导致断章取义的结果!
在引文中,如果想要插入自己的话(为了使得语法正确或者为读者提供一些背景知识),必须要用中括号标明相门败类 ,如:
Legal scholar Jay Kesan notes that “[a] decade ago, losses [from employees’ computer crimes] were already mounting to five billion dollars annually” (311).
如果看到引文中有错误(如拼写错误),则在错误后面加上 [sic],如:
Johnson argues that “while online monitoring is often imagined as harmles [sic], the practice may well threaten employees’ rights to privacy” (14).
最后,如果引文是一大段(超过三行),这个时候广众网 ,引文内容整体向右缩进一英寸,不需要加双引号,在引用前,要加一些句子浩然剑,预示读者你要大段引用,这句话后面应该紧跟着冒号,如:

注意上面引文最后一个句号的位置天廻龙 ,它是在括号前面!
这个预示的短语叫做 signal phrase,预示的句子往往包括引用材料的作者并为读者提供背景知识,并且往往出现在引用的文字之前,但是为了使得你的句子结构多样化,这些短语可以打断引言或者出现在引文后,典型的预示短语有(主语短语的位置):
In the words of researchers Greenfield and Davis, “. . .”
As legal scholar Jay Kesan has noted, “. . .”
The ePolicy Institute, an organization that advises companies about reducing risks from technology魔法花学园, reports that “. . .”
“. . . 危情猎爱 ,” writes Daniel Tynan, “. . .”
“. . . ,” attorney Schmitt claims.
Kizza and Ssanyu offer a persuasive counterargument: “. . .”
acknowledges adds admits agrees argues asserts believes claims comments compares confirms contends declares denies disputes emphasizes endorses grants illustrates implies insists notes observes points out reasons refutes rejects reports responds suggests thinks writes
Some experts have argued that a range of legitimate concerns justifies employer monitoring of employee Internet usage. “Employees could accidentally (or deliberately) spill confidential corporate information . . . or allow worms to spread throughout a corporate network” (Tynan).
Some experts have argued that a range of legitimate concerns justifies employer monitoring of employee Internet usage. As PC World columnist Daniel Tynan pointsout,“Employees could accidentally (or deliberately) spill confidential corporate information . . . or allow worms to spread throughout a corporate network.”
Jay Kesan points out that the law holds employers liable for employees’ actions such as violations of copyright laws, the distribution of offensive or graphic sexual material, and illegal disclosure of confidential information (312).
Legal scholar Jay Kesan points out that the law holds employers liable for employees’ actions such as violations of copyright laws尚道上学去 , the distribution of offensive or graphic sexual material, and illegal disclosure of confidential information (312).
另外,如果你的好几句话都是引用同一个材料,没有必要每句话后面都标明出处,可以在第一句开头加上 signal phrase,然后最后一句话后面加上具体的页码,如:
Frederick Lane believes that the personal computer has posed new challenges for employers worried about workplace productivity. Whereas early desktop computers were primitive enough to prevent employees from using them to waste time, the machines have become so sophisticated that they now make non-work-related computer activities easy and inviting. Many employees spend considerable company time customizing features and playing games on their computers. But perhaps most problematic from the employer’s point of view对门对面, Lane asserts, is giving employees access to the Internet, “roughly the equivalent of installing a gazillion-channel television set for each employee” (15-16).
Roughly 60% of responding companies reported disciplining employees who had used the Internet in ways the companies deemed inappropriate; 30% had fired their employees for those transgressions (Greenfield and Davis 347).

Sommers, Nancy, and Diana Hacker.A Writer’s Reference (7thed.). Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2011. Print
1. 选词(一)(二)(三)(四)
2. 如何写漂亮有效的句子(一)(二)(三)(四)(五)(六)(七)
4. 冠词用法(一)(二)(三)(四)(五)或者回复“冠词”
5. 句子结构(上)(下)
7. SAT/ACT 写作备战逻辑谬论(上)(下)
8. 阅读写作:议论文三要素
11. 英文中的标点(一)(二)(三) (四)(五)(六)(七)(八)或者回复“标点符号”
12. 学术写作 (一)(二)(三)(四)(五)(六)(七)(八)(九)(十)或者回复“学术写作”
13. 文学写作(一)(二)(三)(四)(五)(六)

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