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音频2异界仙帝 ,3被和谐了飙车战场 ,这个是音频5号,大家速速关注

The day that you see me old and I am already not网箱养黄鳝 , have patience and try to understand me …If I get dirty when eating… if I cannot dress… have patience.Remember the hours I spent teaching it to you.If, when I speak to you,I repeat the same things thousand and one times…Do not interrupt me… listen to meWhen you were small芳贺优里亚 , I had to read to you thousand and one times the same story until you get to sleep…When I do not want to have a shower,neither shame me nor scold me…
Remember when I had to chase you with thousand excuses I invented, in order that you wanted to bath…When you see my ignorance on new technologies… give me the necessary time and not look at me with your mocking smile…I taught you how to do so many things… to eat good临安比高, to dress well… to confront life…When at some moment I lose the memory or the thread of our conversation…let me have the necessary time to remember…and if I cannot do it芸豆炖土豆 ,淘满意 do not become nervous… as the most important thing is not my conversation but surely to be with you and to have you listening to me…

你喜欢的一切傲妃风华无双 ,终会成为你的一部分冯颖琪 。斯蒂斯 你想看的都在这里桔片爽 ,点我查看吧圣灵诛仙 !
好听的剧情向神武八荒 ,视频焦守云 ,美女每天来讲故事通榆天气预报 !特别推荐.
上一篇:明天华城【高校在线】内蒙古北方职业技术学院-内蒙古招生考试 下一篇:搜鸽网【鲜冬枣供应】鲜冬枣批发百果王冬枣-荣丰庄园

繁华落尽 转瞬即逝
